Thursday, March 8, 2012


There is one thing that people remember most about me. I love rabbits. I mean really love them. I often mutter "bunny butts" (both to myself and out loud). I create silly little songs about them and rewrite real songs to be about rabbits. Adorable pictures or videos of bunnies stop me in my tracks.

After 3 years, I still cannot get enough of this commercial.

Luckily I have rabbits. Two of them. Not the wild rabbits that hang out in my yard type, but the live in my house with me type. Jealous? You should be.

To say that I've always had rabbits wouldn't be far from the truth. I've had rabbits off and on for over 20 years (more on than off).
Sailor Jamey and baby Wasba
 My two current rabbits are Stella and Buster

and her fella Buster
Before you say anything, I am aware of what happens when a girl bunny and a boy bunny get together. Both of them have been fixed and there is no chance whatsoever of any baby bunnies anytime soon. All rabbits should be spayed and neutered; it helps them lead healthier and longer lives, as well as improves their temperament.

Stella picked me and my husband out at a local rabbit rescue adoption event (Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue) by standing on her hind legs and telling us she was coming home with us. How could we argue with her, when she was so sure? Buster showed up on his very own. It was the middle of a hot Phoenix summer and I found him taking refuge in our carport. It took a little finagling to get him inside into the air conditioning, but he finally consented to us becoming his humans.

Stella and Buster are now best of friends and spend all the time they can together.

They each live in their own rabbitats (like hutches but hipper). Stella lives separately from Buster because there is no hungrier bun than Buster. He would eat all of her food, on top of having eaten all of his. My dad is currently designing and building a new poke-proof rabbitat for Buster. Who's been poking him?

Gidjet can't keep those kitty paddy paws to herself. She just doesn't fully understand that the bunnies don't want anything to do with her.

When talking to people about my rabbits, there are two stories people are always compelled to tell me:
"I had a rabbit when I was a kid" or "I've eaten rabbit". Neither of these stories interest me.

The former story is usually about how unfriendly/boring the rabbit was and how it died after 2 or 3 years/got eaten by the neighborhood dog. These things happened because you weren't caring for the poor rabbit correctly. Being a kid at the time, this wasn't fully your fault. Your parents needed to do their homework before bring a rabbit home for you. A well cared for rabbit can live 5-10 years and is a very entertaining and loving companion. Every rabbit has their own personality and you have to respect that.

The latter story is just rude to bring up and is only ever said to get a reaction. Good for you, you choose to eat a cute little animal and you have no regrets. I eat lamb, but I don't go rubbing it in the face of people that are fond of sheep.

While I plan to talk about many other things, Stella and Buster will pop their cutey heads in now and again. Gidjet too.

Until Next Time,
Jamey Sue

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